Getting to San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo
Can Joan Pere Poligono 21, Parcela 179, 07812 San Lorenzo,
Balearic Islands, Spain
Please DO NOT follow google maps, it will take you down some unnecessary and challenging caminos.
Head towards the San Lorenzo church car park here, at the top left corner there is a camino- (pictured below):
Follow the brown FINCADELICA signpost which points to the camino to the left. Continue down the camino and follow the FINCADELICA signs. The road forks and you take the camino to the left.
Eventually you will reach the car park on the right, signposted PARKING.
There is a gate
If it appears closed you can lift the latch (behind the yellow sign) and push it open.
This driveway takes you to our main car park which is split over 2 levels. From the top level you can take the stairs directly to our welcoming pergola.